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DialogPro plugin news

July 20th, 2011
Dynamic dialogs!

Version 1.8 allows you to change a dialog while it is shown on screen. You can modifiy components (change text, label, colors, value lists etc.) and you can even add or remove components. See an example in action:

To make this possible, several new methods have been added:

  • added name property to all components to easily get access to a component by name in a CustomDialog using getComponent()
  • CustomDialog: added optional index parameter to addComponent to insert a component at the given index
  • CustomDialog: added addComponentAfter() to add a new component after the given component
  • CustomDialog: added addComponentBefore() to add a new component before the given component
  • CustomDialog: added getComponent(String name/int index) to get a specific component from a dialog
  • CustomDialog: added removeComponent(String name/int index) to remove a specific component from the dialog
  • CustomDialog: added rebuildDialog() to rebuild a visible dialog (useful when components were added or removed)
  • List: added doubleClickClosesDialog property to automatically close the dialog when the user double clicks an item in the list
  • List: added setOnListSelectionMethod() to assign a method that is called when the user selects an item in the list
  • TextField: added setOnDataChangeMethod() to assign a method that is called whenever the field's content is changed
  • TextArea: added setOnDataChangeMethod() to assign a method that is called whenever the field's content is changed

As usual, the new version is free for registered users and can be obtained from the Downloads section.


May 31st, 2011
Simple bean added

Version 1.7.3 adds a simple bean that can be used to display any DialogPro component in a bean directly on a form. To use the feature, simple create any component and call setComponent(yourComponent) to display the component in the bean.


July 27th, 2010
Improved Servoy 5.2 compatibility

Version 1.7.2 improves compatibility with Servoy 5.2.


March 5th, 2010
Improved Servoy 5.1 compatibility

Version 1.7.1 improves compatibility with Servoy 5.1.


December 17th, 2009
Version 1.7.0 improves Servoy 5 compatibility

Version 1.7 improves compatibility with Servoy 5 and fixes a few minor issues. We have also added a new feature that allows to request the focus in a certaing component when the dialog is shown.


October 2nd, 2009
Version 1.6.1 released

Version 1.6.1 adds requestFocus() to all components and fixes a few minor bugs.


March 6th, 2009
Version 1.6 released

Version 1.6 is now fully compatible with Servoy 4.


July 14th, 2008
Version 1.5.3 released

Release 1.5.3 fixes a long standing issue that sometimes prevented progress dialogs from hiding (closing).


July 9th, 2008
Version 1.5.2 released

Version 1.5.2 is a maintenance release that fixes a few bugs. See the version history for details.


May 1st, 2008
Version 1.5 released

The latest version of the plugin now allows developers who also own our popular Table bean to use tables created with the bean in a DialogPro dialog. Here is a screenshot of a table in a dialog:

Table Bean in DialogPro


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