Servoy Plugins
Exchange plugin

XML plugin news

December 6th, 2010
RSS parser added

Version 2.2 of the plugin adds a RSS feed parser. To make that process easy, we have added a new method to the plugin and introduced a few new objects:

  • new getRssFeed(String url) added to plugin
  • new RssFeed object offers properties for title, description, author, copyright, published date and more
  • new RssEntry object offers properties for title, description, author, published and updated date of a single feed entry
  • new RssEntryContent gives access to content type and value of one of the many possible content entries of a feed entry
  • new RssLink and RssPerson object offer properties for link and author/contributor information

See the version historiy for details.

July 27th, 2009
Internal changes for different Servoy versions

Version 2.1.3 improves compatibility with different Servoy versions.

April 23rd, 2009
Encoding issue fixed

Version 2.1.2 fixes a bug with writeToFile where the default character encoding of the platform was used when writing the file no matter what encoding was provided.

March 5th, 2009
Version 2.1.1 released

Fixed a class loading issue in Servoy 5.1.

December 17th, 2009
Version 2.1 released

Version 2.1 improves compatibility with Servoy 5 and fixes a few minor bugs.

March 6th, 2008
Version 2.0 released

A new version of the XML-Plugin is out! Version 2 adds significant enhancements in the way the plugin handles foundsets to create XML automatically from a Servoy foundset. To cleary seperate this Servoy specific feature from the general XML handling, we have created two new objects, the XMLFoundSet and the XMLRecord. Among the most important new features are these:

  • Calculations can be included in a "foundset XML"
  • "nested" relations as for example a_to_b.b_to_c now can be set to include every record of table c
  • "nested" relations can be "fully expanded"; in the above example, the XML would then also include all related records from "b"
  • Improved methods to manipulate and reverse-engineer a XMLFoundSet
  • XMLBrowser bean that allows to display a XML document in a simple Tree

Here is a screenshot showing the XMLBrowser bean with a XMLFoundset loaded:


For a full list of new methods, changes and bug fixes see the version history. The update is free for all registered users.

May 1st, 2008
Minor update to version 1.2.1

The new version of the plugin fixes a few bug and enhances the xls transformation. See the version history for details.

February 13th, 2008
Version 1.2 released

Version 1.2 of the plugin has the following enhancements:

XMLCdata the plugin now fully supports CDATA blocks

XMLProcessingInstruction support for processing instructions has been added. You can read and add processing instructions

XMLDocType improved handling of DocTypes

A few bugs have been squeezed out as well. Please check the version history for details.

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